Deliberate practice differs from the prior view of practice… that working at a skill until one reaches automaticity… because individuals engage in deliberate practice tend to resist automaticity (p. 6).
Whereas flow experiences are motivating and pleasant (from Mihaly Csikszentmihaly), “deliberate practice requires effort and is not inherently enjoyable (p. 6).
Deliberate practice takes a large amount of time… is acquired over a very long period of time… at least a decade… the “10-year rule” (p. 7).
John Carroll (1963)... considers reflective practice an interplay between aptitude (how long it
takes a person to learn something), perseverance (how long a person is willing to spend with a subject, and opportunity (how much time a person is allowed for learning something (p. 7).
The lesson study model: a group of teachers (usually from a range of grade levels) sets goals for specific subject areas, units, and lessons, and then writes a research lesson to help students meet those goals. One member of the group presents the research lesson to his or her class while other group members observe. Afterward, the group analyzes the lesson, examine evidence it collected regarding “students’ engagement, persistence, emotional reactions, quality of discussion within small-groups, including of group-mates, and degree of interest in the task” (Mast & Ginsburg, 2010, p. 258; as cited in Marzano, 2012, p. 7).
ALACT (action, looking back, awareness, creating alternative methods, trial) model as a structure for teacher reflection -
Thomas Farrell (1999, 2004): teacher reflection framework that includes working individually, in pairs, or in teams (2004, p. 36). Must include four components:
Ground rules: for meetings, classroom observations, journal writing, and critical friend relationships.
Categories of time: allocate time to engage in reflective activities, individual reflection, skill development, and group reflection
External input: from other people’s observations, reflections, or theories, or from the research and literature on teaching practice.
Affective states: protocols that alleviate anxiety or embarrassment during reflection
Jennifer York-Barr et al. (2006) - reflective practice spiral that “embeds reflective practices as a cultural norm in school” (p. 19) - a transition from individual to larger communities of practice:
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