
Thursday, September 25, 2014

Composition (3rd Semester): Group Writing Task


Group: Composition (3rd semester)
Time: 50 minutes
Task: As a group, listen to the above video as many times as you wish and write a single paragraph describing the essence of the message (idea), but in your own words.  Create the paragraph using Google Drive and project the text onto a large screen so that the entire group can view it. Make edits to the text however you'd like, and include a list of those who contributed to this task (first names only) below the single paragraph.  Once you have completed the text and have included your names, choose one person to sign into Google, and upload your work as a comment to this blog post.

My Reflection


To view 5th semester's outcomes and my reflection...

Composition (5th Semester): Group Writing Task


Group: Composition (5th semester)
Time: 50 minutes
Task: As a group, listen to the above video as many times as you wish and write a single paragraph describing the essence of the message (idea), but in your own words.  Create the paragraph using Google Drive and project the text onto a large screen so that the entire group can view it. Make edits to the text however you'd like, and include a list of those who contributed to this task (first names only) below the single paragraph.  Once you have completed the text and have included your names, choose one person to sign into Google, and upload your work as a comment to this blog post.

My Reflection


To view 3rd semester's outcomes and my reflection...

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Applied Linguistics Group Can Hang!

I had the pleasure today to hangout with other EFL/ESL educators (via Google+ Hangouts on Air - HOAs) along with my 7th semester, applied linguistics group to discuss how we feel about portfolios and sharing work openly online.  We also discussed how feedback and error correction might take place and different rationales for doing so.


After today's HOA, I immediately began thinking about how we might schedule future sessions since my group really enjoyed the experience.


I would like my students taking applied linguistics this semester to leave comments below regarding any topics we might discuss in our next session, and anything else about today's HOA that you'd like to share.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

TILL Hangout On Air: Open Courseware and Open Educational Resources

Join the Teachers for Interactive Language Learning (TILL) Hangout on Air tomorrow where we'll discuss open courseware, OERs, and open education in general.

Join meeting: