
Saturday, January 22, 2011

delt0111: Introductions

If you haven't already, please introduce yourself in the VoiceThread below. Tell us something about yourself and what your expectations are for the class. Let us know specifically what you would like to get out of this course.

LUIS Lesson Plan

As part of an ongoing series of live sessions dedicated to TESOL, on Monday I will discuss the Language and Understanding Integrative Sense-making (LUIS) Lesson Plan which is an adapted SIOP Lesson Plan incorporating Wiggins and McTighe's notion of understanding and assessment, Popham's idea of learning progression, a personal learning network (PLN), and how a PLN influences change regarding an EFL educator's ideas, beliefs, and/or actions.  You're encouraged to take part in the discussion!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

delt0111: Learning English in Chunks

Watch this video and reflect on how people learn languages.

Activity options:

1. Add a comment below and discuss your thoughts and opinions regarding this video.

2. Add a comment to your blog (linking this video), discussing your own thoughts and opinions regarding this video (using the hashtag #delt0111)

2. Create your own 90 second video, explaining your own method of teaching EFL/ESL. Then upload it to YouTube or some other video hosting site and share it here.

Choose any of the above activities and feel free to work individually or in groups.

DELT Workshop

Monday, January 17, 2011

CCK11: Connectivism Course

As I gear up for the next course on connectivism and connective knowledge, I like to idea of no Moodle! Using Twitter as an aggregator that later is published to a newsletter is really a connectivist approach to learning online.  It would have been interesting to see how this same course (which started back in 2008 if memory serves) developed if at no time an LMS, facebook, etc. would have been used.  Simply, a newsletter, perhaps a syllabus (wiki), and twitter and social bookmarking sites as the only technologies along with whatever technologies the participants wanted to use (including an LMS, facebook, etc.).  I suspect that there would have been fewer participants participating more.

My plans for this course are to post to my blog and respond to others.  I'll use Twitter, the Daily, Diigo, and whatever technologies I find others using...but will not use facebook or any LMS.

My hopes are to generate some traffic to my site as well as find others to interact with that will extend beyond this 12-week course, beyond the topic of connectivism.

New website!

Well, this is officially day two of the new Collaborative Understandings website!  If anyone's interested, I'm using FatCow and WordPress, the right "one, two punch" I really needed to get the site off the ground!  It's still very much a work in progress, but it's slowing getting there.  Expect many changes over the next few weeks as I will continue to move content extended out over the web into this single space.  Comments, contributions, and/or suggestions are always appreciated!

By the way, I just had an interesting discussion this evening with Bram and Priscilla.  Bram shared a class experience where learners were using Drupal to create online projects.  Check it out!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Mentoring and Community Acceptance

In response to a recent post...

Malderez (2009) says, "...a mentoring process as being supportive of the transformation of development of the mentee and of their acceptance into a professional community...It is this process of one-to-one, workplace-based, contingent and personally appropriate support for the person during their professional acclimatization (or integration), learning, growth and development, which is referred to as Mentoring."

So, how would one define "acceptance into a professional community"?  And what is exactly, "professional acclimatization"?

I would argue that neither of these two notions have much to do with mentoring.  Mentoring is less about helping someone else enter a group, community, or school , and is more about facilitating another educator's personal growth.  The individual (i.e., mentee) will decide on what communities to participate in, which people to interact with, and which technologies to use to make it all happen.  So in essence, everyone the individual interacts with has the potential to serve as "mentor(s)" depending on the situation at that particular moment.