
Friday, September 28, 2018

Can One Be Open and Honest If Ideas Must First Go Through an Editor?

Philosophical Analysis

In the above video, My Reaction to the Kavanaugh Hearings || Mayim Bialik, Mayim lists various points about the Kavanaugh hearings.  One of the main purposes of this channel seems to be for Mayim to express freely her ideas, thoughts, opinions, etc. to the public.  At 1:49, she posts the heading, My editor made me remove Point #2 - with no further explanation (at the time of this writing). The following philosophical analysis relates to what this statement means within this particular linguistic context (#linguistics, #sociolinguistics).

Having an editor remove "point #2" means that the editor must then approve all other points shared in this video as well as any ideas expressed in all prior videos.  Perhaps Mayim has disclosed who this editor is and their relationship, but it is not clear if one simply refers to this one video. It could also mean that Mayim plans to disclose point #2 at a later date, after the need of having an editor is no longer warranted.  I can't help but wonder now how Mayim's (unedited - original) thoughts get the "green light" before being published for public consumption. It's no one's business why she decided not to reveal point #2 or who the editor happens to be, but it does seem to hamper the level of authenticity that exists with those ideas that are being shared. The appeal of having a channel like this is that there is no editor.

Question: Is it better to reveal that one of several ideas was not allowed to be shared or is it better to just not mention it for fear that it might discredit the other ideas that are being shared?  Can one remain open and honest if ideas first must go through an editor?

Monday, September 24, 2018

Mexico Cookbook (Propaedeutic Groups)

Mexican Cookbook


The above cookbook was a task that was assigned and completed between September 24-28, 2018.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Paragraph Development: The Process of Writing and Transforming the Outline

This classroom experience takes the (English language) learner from the process of brainstorming to transforming the outline from key words, developing sentences, to finally an organizational outline.  

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Teacher Learning Cast (TLC) #20: Google Classroom and WhatsApp

TLC Socials


Google in the Classroom

  • Scheme of Work
  • Google Classroom
  • Google Photos
What educational technology are you currently using in and outside the classroom?  Share your experiences!

The Evolution of ELT: Sharing Our Experiences in the Field

Today concludes the 25th Anniversary of the BA in ELT at the Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes. I am sharing the two presentations from the conference that focus on personal learning networks and professional learning and the importance of performance tasks.

Seldom do Teachers Become Lifelong Learners by Accident - September 10, 2018

When it comes to ELT, what makes a worthwhile performance? September 11, 2018